New Director of Academic Affairs & Director of Communications Join the AIH Board

AIH is happy to announce the Board of Directors is now complete with the election of our last two open director seats for Academic Affairs and Communications.

Director of Academic Affairs – John J. Ramirez-Avila
Dr. John J. Ramirez-Avila is the new Director of Academic Affairs. He is an Agricultural Engineer (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) holding a Master’s degree in Soils (University of Puerto Rico) and a PhD in Engineering with an emphasis in Water Resources (Mississippi State University). John is an Associate Professor at the Watersheds and Water Quality Research Lab, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Mississippi State University.

Director of Communications – Jonathan Quebbeman
Dr. Jonathan Quebbeman is the new Director of Communications. He is a hydrologist and water resources engineer with more than 24-years of experience. He is currently the Director of Water Resources, South Asia, in addition to leading the Hydrologic Risk program with RTI International, a non-profit research institute.