Julé Rizzardo is a Professional Hydrologist and Registered Civil Engineer with over 25 years of experience in water resources engineering and management. She is currently the Past President of AIH and a Principal Engineer with the California Water Board. As lead of the Permitting and Enforcement Branch, she administers California’s complex system of water rights, considering water availability, senior water rights, and flows needed to protect public trust resources. Ms. Rizzardo also has a decade of experience in the Board’s Division of Financial Assistance, serving the drinking water and wastewater needs of small, disadvantaged communities throughout California. She received her B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Davis and her M.S. in Hydrogeology from the University of Nevada, Reno. She and her team are committed to an integrated approach to hydrologic modeling, collaboration, compliance assistance, and public engagement. When she’s not conducting water right enforcement negotiations, she’s out on the pitch using her conflict resolution skills to coach youth soccer.