Recognition of Jamil Ibrahim’s Service to AIH
In 2024, Jamil Ibrahim retired from the AIH Board of Directors. As past-president, I wanted to take the time to honor and recognize Jamil’s leadership, vision, and friendship over the last eight years I’ve been involved with AIH. Jamil has led us through significant challenges with tenacity and enthusiasm. We were so fortunate to have Jamil’s leadership and vision throughout the pandemic, and through several major transitions of AIH management.
Jamil joined AIH as a Professional Hydrologist in 2006. He joined the AIH Board of Directors as Vice President of Institute Development in 2016, became President Elect in 2019, served as AIH president from 2021 to 2022, and provided valuable guidance as Past President from 2023 to 2024. He remains a trusted advisor and an active member of the PH community as he continues to lead interdisciplinary teams for large-scale water infrastructure projects at Stantec.
After pondering the best way to honor Jamil’s contributions over the last 8 years, I decided to take you through a photographic tour of Jamil’s contributions since I have known him.

In recognition of Jamil’s service, I’d like to remind everyone of a significant contribution of his to AIH – his vision – his goal for AIH to be the premier certifying organization and “home” for hydrologists and hydrologic technicians, which is carried forward today. We look forward to Jamil’s continued involvement with AIH and his valuable advice and continued friendship! Thank you, Jamil.
[Written by Jule Rizzardo, AIH Past President]